Domestic preojects
PPS Group a.s.
Optimization of the working device with Z kinematics and telescopic device with Z and Y kinematisc for HON 200
Tatravagónka a.s., Poprad
Dynamic analysis of the freight car with the Y25 bogie
Compel Rail a.s. Vrútky
Analisys of the stability of the DCM-600 device for earthworks
Way Industry a.s. Krupina
Design of the structure of the mechanism of the dipper and minimalization of forces in joints of the universal loading-maschine L 1203
Universal loading maschine L 1203
VAB Sipox Bánovne nad Bebravou
Determination of the dynamic loading of the frame of the truck CORSO
Transmisie s.r.o. Martin
Dynamic analysis and optimization of the wheel suspension of the off-road vehicle ALIGÁTOR
Podpolianske strojárne Detva
Dynamic effect on the rear axle of the double-axis solo bus KAROSA
Internatiol projects
ŠKODA-AUTO Mlada Boleslav
Tyre model for vertical transmission of the tyre-surface forces
Institute of Automotive Engineering at Graz University of Technology
TMEasy Tyre model implementation into MSC.ADAMS
AUDI AG Neckarsulm and MSC.Software GmbH Munich
Crankshaft durability analysis based on multibody dynamics with flexible bodies
AVL Austria
Optimization of the parameters of the engine bushings
MAGNA - STEYR Engineering, Graz
Study of kinematic characteristics of wheel suspension